即日起至11月30日,國際旅客於臺北車站打卡牆打卡上傳美照,即贈造型手機掛繩, 臺灣朋友與國際友人同行打卡上傳照片,皆可獲贈手機掛繩,同行者贈送數量臺灣朋友以1名為限,國際友人數量不限。造型手機掛繩數量有限,送完為止。
From now until November 30, international travelers who upload a photo taken at the Taipei Main Station check-in wall will receive a stylish phone lanyard. Taiwanese friends who accompany international friends and also upload a photo are eligible to receive a phone lanyard as well. A limit of one lanyard may be redeemed by accompanying Taiwanese friends per group, while there is no limit on the number of international friends who may redeem one lanyard each. Supplies are limited, and lanyards are available while stocks last.
活動辦法 How to Participate:
1. 前往臺北車站打卡牆拍下美照
Go to the Taipei Main Station check-in wall and take a photo.
(1) 「臺北車站」打卡點:捷運臺北車站B1層M6出口4號電梯旁
Taipei Main Station check-in location: Taipei Metro's Taipei Main Station, B1, next to Elevator No. 4 (near Exit M6).
(2) 怎麼走:搭乘捷運至臺北車站→移動至B1層→找到往M6「臺北凱薩飯店」指標,打卡牆即在4號電梯處
How to get there: Take the Metro to Taipei Main Station → go to B1 level → follow the signs to Exit M6 "Caesar Park Taipei." The check-in wall is by Elevator No. 4.
2. 將照片上傳至「臺北捷運FB」指定貼文
Upload your photo to the designated post on the "Taipei Metro" Facebook page.
3. 搭捷運至捷運(中山店)商品館出示打卡畫面及護照即可免費兌換造型手機掛繩(限量200組,數量有限,換完為止,贈品隨機贈送恕不挑款)
Take the Metro to the Metro Shop (Zhongshan Branch) and present the check-in screen and your passport to redeem one free phone lanyard. (Limited to 200 sets; available while supplies last. Prizes are given at random and cannot be selected.)
Redemption location: Metro Shop (Zhongshan Branch), located in Zhongshan Metro Mall (between Zhongshan Station and Jazz Plaza), near Exit R8.
How to get there: From Taipei Main Station, take the Tamsui-Xinyi Line (to Tamsui) to Zhongshan Station. Exit the gates and turn left toward the "Zhongshan Metro Mall" → continue through the mall toward Exit R8, where you will find the Metro Shop (Zhongshan Branch).
Prize redemption is available until 19:30 on December 1. Late redemptions will not be accepted.
Metro Shop (Zhongshan Station) Operating Hours: 12:30 (PM) - 19:30. On-site announcements shall prevail in the event of any changes made to Metro Shop operating hours.
注意事項 Notes
1. 主辦單位保有最終修改變更活動解釋及取消本活動之權利,如本活動因不可抗拒之特殊原因無法執行時,主辦單位有權取消、終止、修改或暫停本活動與延遲得獎公告,如有變更將於臺北捷運FB公布。
The event organizer reserves the right to modify, interpret, or cancel the event at any time. In case of unforeseen circumstances, the organizer may cancel, terminate, modify, or postpone the event and delay the winner announcements. Changes, if any, will be announced on the Taipei Metro Facebook page.
2. 依財政部規定,得獎金額超過新臺幣1,000元,依法需繳交身分證正反面影本,得獎金額超過20,010元者,依法需繳交10%機會得獎稅及身分證正反面影本。外籍得獎者士依法需繳20%機會得獎稅及居留證影本。主辦單位於次年開立各類所得稅扣繳憑單給得獎者。如得獎者不願提供身分證影本或不願給付得獎商品稅額,視為得獎者自動放棄領獎資格。前述稅捐法規如有更新或變動者,依修正後之規定辦理。
According to the Ministry of Finance's regulations, winners of prizes valued above NT$1,000 must provide a copy of the front and back of their National ID card. For prizes over NT$20,010, a 10% withholding tax will be deducted, and winners must provide a copy of the front and back of their National ID card. Foreign winners are subject to a 20% tax and must provide a copy of their residence permit. Tax withholding certificates will be issued the following year. Winners who refuse to provide identification or tax will forfeit their prize. If the aforementioned regulations are updated or changed, the modified version shall prevail.
3. 得獎者需依規定填寫相關文件作為領獎憑證,得獎者若無法配合於指定地點領獎或逾期未領獎,視同自動放棄領獎資格。
Winners must complete relevant documentation for prize collection. Failure to collect the prize at the designated location within the specified period will result in forfeiture of the prize.
4. 得獎者同意得獎相關個人資料由主辦單位於活動範圍進行蒐集、電腦處理及利用,得獎者並授權主辦單位公開公佈姓名,並不做其他用途。
Winners consent to the collection, processing, and use of their personal data by the event organizer for event purposes only and authorize the organizer to publish their names.
5. 主辦單位有權檢視各活動參加者之活動參與行為及得獎情形是否涉嫌異常情形,例:人為操作、蓄意偽造、短時間異常多筆參與行為、透過任何電腦程式參與活動、詐欺或以任何其他不正當的方式進行不實或虛偽活動參與行為,活動參加者因上述情形所獲得之活動資格及獎額,主辦單位保有取消活動及得獎資格的權利,並保留法律追訴權。若有登錄資料不實或不正確,或有違反活動規範之行為,主辦單位保留變更、終止本活動及取消參加者參加活動資格及得獎之權利。
The organizer reserves the right to review participant behavior and cancel eligibility for fraudulent participation, excessive submissions, or any other improper actions, and also reserves the right to pursue legal action if deemed necessary.
6. 本活動如有任何因電腦、網路、電話、技術或其它不可歸責於主辦單位之事由,而使參加者所寄出或登錄之資料有延遲、遺失、錯誤、無法辦識或毀損之情況,活動小組不負任何法律責任,參加者亦不得因此異議。
The event organizer holds no liability for issues arising from technical, computer, or network errors, including delayed, lost, or corrupted submissions.
7. 活動之獎品以實物為準,無法由得獎者挑選款式及顏色,且獎項經兌換後恕不得退還,且獎項均不得轉換、轉讓、轉售或折換現金,主辦單位保留修改活動及獎品等細節之權利。主辦單位非獎品製造者或提供者,與各項獎品或服務之製造或提供廠商無任何代理或合夥關係。如遇產品缺貨或不可抗力之事由導致獎品內容變更,主辦單位有權變更贈品,改由等值商品取代之權利,得獎者不得主動要求折現或轉換其他商品。
Prizes cannot be selected by winners and cannot be exchanged, transferred, or converted to cash. The organizer reserves the right to modify event details and prizes, and is not responsible for prize manufacturing or supply. If prizes become unavailable, the organizer may replace them with items of equivalent value.